This find of the week is courtesy of a donation handed into the local history department. An older gentleman handed the find into the library,he had little family and thought the libraries & museums department would be the best place for the find.
The find was inside an old metal tin, wrapped in paper and looked as though it hadn't been looked at for years. The find was a children's medal from 1902, it had the profiles of Edward the VII and Queen Alexandria on one side and the Dumbarton shield (elephant & castle) on the other side with the date 27th June 1902.

In Dumbarton the town has started decorating buildings, setting gas illuminations and decorating homes with flags and bunting. The executive committee arranging the municipal celebrations had to cancel all celebrations including, the school choirs(over 1000 kids), maypole dancing, the regatta, the town procession and the firing of the royal salute.
The coronation was rescheduled and the King was crowned on the 9th of August 1902 at Westminster Abbey.
In Dumbarton in the weeks leading up to the coronation many of the towns residents were giving the thought of celebrating the cold shoulder. The town asked for subscriptions towards the funding of the coronation celebrations, the donations were slow in accumulating, however a total of £450 was reached. The town used the funds to put together a programme of festivities for the coronation. They included a religious service, competitions for vehicular and equestrian turnouts, firing of a royal salute, dancing, sports, fireworks and a bonfire.
The town again decorated households and businesses in flags and bunting, the towns bridge was decorated with streamers and the municipal buildings and burgh hall were decorated in flags, gold crowns and shields.
The highlight of the evening celebrations was the electric display at the Leven Shipyard, with ribbons and lights hanging from mast to mast at the quay side.