Wednesday 31 August 2011


Found this it was uploaded in 2008, what would the figures be now? Just how dependent are we now on technology to live our daily lives. At the moment I've got the pc running, an external hardrive hooked up, my satellite tv recording programs, my smart phone lying by my side, a usb stick plugged in, a kindle beside my bed and I'm not a technolgy geek, in the gadget sense.
It's made me think about those  'when we were kids' posts, back in the days before the mobile phone, the modern pc and the games console. I used to remember the phone numbers of friends and family, when a red phone box was a life saver - now I know 2 numbers and the rest are stored on my smart phone, accessed at the touch of a button of flick of my thumb.To read, I picked up a book, magazine or newspaper, now I plug in a device, flick a switch and have constant news updates. To write to my friends was the only way of communicating long distance, now I text, use social media or email. So, technolgy has changed the way I work, socialise and communicate in what will be added to my collection of social gadgetry over the next few years.
For now, I'm going to turn off my pc, pick up a book and listen to the tick tock of my clock.

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