Tuesday, 18 October 2011

LGBT 1 - the dormant research proposal

It's been a few years since I wrote my research proposal but I believe some of the references may still be relevant  when looking at LGBT fiction in public libraries. Libraries have a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure equal access and equal service provision for all community/minority groups under their umbrella, they may not have an obligation to promote the service however there is a duty to provide resources.

Public library services in Scotland are entirely the responsibility of local authorities which have a statutory duty to secure the provision of adequate library facilities for all persons resident in their area” 1

Scottish Libraries also have the Scottish Library & Information Council (SLIC) an independent advisory body whose members include all local authority‘s in Scotland. They established the Public Library Quality Improvement Matrix (PLQIM) 2 a quality assurance tool specially developed to support policies in areas such as health and regeneration. Within the document it recommends that public libraries;
  • Libraries must promote inclusion, equality and fairness and work positively with partners to facilitate communities of interest and encourage participation

This list is part of the bibliography I put together when I first started looking at LGBT provision in public libraries, something on the list might be of use:

Cook. J., 2005. Gay and Lesbian Librarians and the ‘need’ for GLBT Library Organizations: Ethical Questions, Professional Challenges, and Personal Dilemmas In and ‘Out’ of the workplace. Journal of Information Ethics 14 (2) pp32-49

Curry. A., 2005. If I ask will they answer? Evaluating public library reference services to gay and lesbian youth. Reference & User Services Quarterly 45 (1) pp65-75

Curry. A., 2000. Collection Management of gay/lesbian materials in the UK and Canada . LIBRI 50 (1) pp14-25

Goldthorp. J., 2007. Can Scottish public library services claim they are socially inclusive of all minority groups when lesbian fiction is still so inaccessible? Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 39 (4) pp 234-248

Greenblatt. E., 2003. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Library Users: Overcoming the Myths. Colorado Libraries v29 (4) pp21-25

Joyce. S,L., 2000. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual library services: a review of the literature. Public Libraries 39 (5) pp 270-279

Norman. M.,1999. Out on Loan: a survey of the use and information needs of users of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Collection of Brighton and Hove Libraries. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 31 (4) pp188-196

O'Leary. M., 2005. Pink perceptions: the information needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender library users as perceived by public librarians and by the LGBT communities within Sheffield UK and Denver CO, USA [Online]. MA, University of Sheffield. Available online: http://dagda.shef.ac.uk/dissertations/2004-05/External/Oleary_Meagan_MALib.pdf

Potts. H., 2003. Searching the Database. A quick look at Amazon and two other online catalogues. Journal of homosexuality 45 (1) pp161-170

 Seborg. L., 2005. Sharing the Stories of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community: Providing Library Services to the GLBT Patron. PNLA Quarterly 70 (1) pp15-17

Thomas.D., 2007. A Place on the Shelf. Library Journal 132 (8) pp40-43
Van Buskirk. J., 2005. Out of the Closet? Library Journal v130 p62

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